Tag Archives: decisions

Review of “How We Decide”

How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer

How We Decide

First things first – I am no brain surgeon, nor am I well-read in the subject of neuro-science. But this book has certainly piqued my interest. Not only is the author a master story teller, he makes even the complicated science appear as simple as his stories. He relates the scientific experiments on a level that is easy to grasp and appreciate.

Mr. Lehrer made me want to learn to play poker and read more about the Yom Kippur War. He made me feel as though I were in the same war room and cockpit of his focal subjects. From sports to politics, Mr. Lehrer knows how to keep his audience tuned in. This is a must in a book with as much specific scientific information as this one.

Science can be a complicated and technical subject – he has made it as interesting and as simple as Bill Nye the Science Guy (only for adults). But more than just taking a deep, complicated subject and making it simple, he made it relevant. This is not just a book about brain chemicals that has no bearing on life. This book is about life and the decisions we make in it. Beyond its simplicity and excitement, the book is practical. In fact, Mr. Lehrer even takes the time to summarize his research into a concluding section on how to apply these things in our everyday decisions.

For those who are well-read in this area, I do not know how much this book will help you. But if you are someone who loves to learn new things and to get a glimpse into how your mind works, this book is a must-have. It will help you better understand yourself, your children, and those around you when it comes time to make decisions.

An absolutely fascinating read!

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Posted by on May 28, 2009 in Book Review


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